Nurturing a Biblical Worldview in Our Children // Jason Souza

Nurturing a Biblical Worldview in Our Children


Parents and caregivers play a crucial role in shaping our children’s worldview. Recent research by George Barna reveals that children begin developing their worldview as early as 15 months old. Unfortunately, many parents have overlooked this critical phase of spiritual formation. Let’s explore how we can intentionally disciple our children to embrace a biblical worldview.


∙      Foundational Years: During ages 1-12, a lifelong groundwork is laid. Parents, not church programs, are the first responders in nurturing children’s hearts, minds, and souls. Deuteronomy 6:1-9 emphasizes the importance of teaching God’s commands diligently to our children. Let’s seize this opportunity to instill biblical truth in their hearts.


∙      Refining the Foundation: From ages 13-24, our children’s worldview is refined, articulated, and applied to daily life. Proverbs 2:1-13 encourages us to seek wisdom and understanding. Parents can engage in meaningful conversations, answer their questions, and guide them toward a biblical perspective.


∙      Becoming Evangelists: Between ages 25-59, individuals become “evangelists” for their worldview. Our children will influence others based on the foundation we’ve laid. Ephesians 6:4 reminds us to bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Let’s equip them to be ambassadors for Christ.


∙      Reflecting on Life Philosophy: Beyond age 59, we reflect on how our worldview has shaped our lives. Parents want their children to look back with gratitude for the biblical principles they’ve embraced. Proverbs 22:6 encourages us to train up a child in the way they should go.


We, parents and church alike, must intentionally invest in our children’s spiritual growth, knowing that their worldview is largely in place by age 13. Together, let’s raise spiritual champions who love God and impact the world.

Think about it.

Pastor Jason

(article produced with AI-assisted editing)
